Thursday, July 22, 2010

Please pray that this project goes up and runs smoothly.

This is from Bill Keller at

I am excited to announce today the birth of the "9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero" on Sunday, September 5th. The mission is simple. Have a place at ground zero where people can come to hear the real uncompromised Truth right from God's Word, and find the only true hope there is, faith in Jesus Christ!!! We will combat the lies of this world and Islam with the TRUTH. We will combat the hatred of this world and Islam with LOVE. We will combat the violence of this world and Islam with PEACE. Finally, we will combat eternal death this world and Islam brings with LIFE EVERLASTING!!

The new internet site for the 9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero is up, and will be updated regularly to inform people about the Center as well as the truth about what Islam really believes and teaches, along with news from here in the United States and around the world how this "religion of peace" really operates. You can visit the new website at:

To read more on this visit:

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